HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - ¼¾¼­·ù > ¿Â/½Àµµ¼¾¼­ - ´öÆ®Çü ¿Â/½Àµµ ¼¾¼­(Roline-L Type)




 2 x 2- wire 4...20 mA HVAC transmitter for duct


 mounting, for humidity and temperature



















 ´öÆ®Çü ¿Â/½Àµµ ¼¾¼­(Roline-L Type)

Typical application

Cost sensitive HVAC applications, duct mounting

Main features

HVAC transmitter wit integrated probe

2 x 2- wire technology, 4...20 mA

Mesurement of humidity and temperature

Digital signal processing

Probe type and connection

Integrated probe

Humidity sensor

Hygromer¢ç AC1

Temperature sensor

Pt100 1/3 DIN


<0.6 %rh / 0.5 ¡ÆC

Long term stability

< 1.5 %rh / year

Sensor protection

Wire mesh filter in plastic cage

Operating range instrument

0...100 %rh / -40...60 ¡ÆC

Measuring range

0...100 %rh / 0...50 ¡ÆC

Accuracy at 23 ¡ÆC

¡¾ 3 %rh / 0.5 ¡ÆC

Time constant t63

12...15 s

Electrical connection

1 M16 cable gland on terminals


2 x 2 wire supply 15...28 VDC

Output signals

2 x 4...20 mA, scaleable


<=250 Ohms / <=500 Ohms with 24 V supply

Housing material / protection rating

ABS & PP-H / IP65 / compliant with UL-98 HB


¨ª 82 x 43 mm; probe length 207 mm; probe-¨ª 15 mm


approx. 250 g


EN 61000-6-4: 2001-10 ; EN 61000-6-2: 2001-10


 Roline L Datenblatt 

Operating instructions

 Roline L Bedienungsanleitung 

Short instructions

 Roline L Short Manual Multilingual 

Order code: