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 Portable, autonomous humidity and


 temperature calibrator for up to 5 probes



















 ½Àµµ ij¸®ºê·¹ÀÌÅÍ

Typical application

Calibration of humidity probes

Main features

Generates a controlled %rh & ¡ÆC environment

Fully integrated temperature control (5¡¦50 ¡ÆC)

Suitable for all types of humidity/temperature probes

Completely self-contained, only requires mains power

Chamber accepts up to five probes

Dataloggers can be inserted into the chamber

Wide operating range

Fast equilibrium

Portable, stainless steel enclosure

Control range max.

5¡¦95 %rh and 5¡¦50 ¡ÆC

Control range min.

10¡¦90 %rh over the range of 10¡¦50 ¡ÆC

Control stability

0.35 %rh or better at 20 ¡ÆC; 0.05 ¡ÆC or better (at 5, 20 and 45 ¡ÆC)

Temperature gradient

0.05 ¡ÆC at 5 and 20 ¡ÆC; 0.16¡ÆC at 4 5 ¡ÆC

Humidity gradient

0.1 %rh or better at 5...80 %rh; 0.66 %rh at 95 %rh

Typical sime to set-point

2 minutes (35 to 80 %rh change, 23 ¡ÆC)

10 minutes (23 to 45 ¡ÆC change)

Temperature probe


Humidity sensor

Rotronic Hygromer AC-1

Reference probe

HygroClip S1

Control probe accuracy

¡Â ¡¾1 %rh(10¡¦95 %rh) / ¡¾0.2 ¡ÆC


Molecular sieve


Front panel fill. Level warning on controller

Water quality

Distilled or deionised water

Water volume

approx. 130 ml

Chamber volume

approx. 2 Liter

External interface

RS232 Interface

Voltage supply

110...230 VAC, 50...60 Hz, 3 A

Housing material

Stainless steel


455 x 420 x 212 mm


17 kg


EN 61326: 1998, EN61000-3-2: 2000,

EN61000-3-3: 1995, EN61010-1: 2001

Order code

HygroGen 1