HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - °èÃø±â > dz¼Ó/dz·®°è - ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ Ç³¼Ó°è(UA30)






 Anemosonic UA30- A new generation in


compact, portable airflow measurement


incorporating temperature, volume flow,


velocity, turbulence, draught intensity IAQ


indicator. Wide choice of displays. Analogue


and Digital outputs.









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 The Anemosonic¢â UA30 is a major advance in reliable ultrasonic measurement


 techniques by being truly portable, with a sensor less than 45mm across and adaptable


 by offering a choice of hand held or stand alone monitoring.


 Exceptional accuracy is achieved by electronically sampling the velocity at an incredible,


 3,840 times every second. Turbulence and air speed vectors can also be determined.

 Using fundamental technology, the ultrasonic measurement is unaffected by changes in


 temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure or air/gas density, making


 Anemosonic¢â UA30 universally suitable for velocity and flow measurement of any


 air or inert gas media, even at very low levels.


 Calibrated for life during manufacture to international standards using sophisticated laser


 Doppler methods, annual re-calibration is a cost of the past. With no moving parts,


 repair costs are virtually eliminated under normal usage.

 Anemosonic¢â UA30 offers a choice of many simple and helpful yet powerful user friendly


 features including an articulating telescopic extension handle, selectable velocity readings


 in m/sec, km/h, knots, mph of ft/min and volume flow in cfm or m³/sec, with percentage air


 speed turbulence indication and automatic vector compensation up to ± 20° from the


 centre line. Temperature display is in °C or °F. Readings can be recalled, reviewed and


 downloaded via the analogue output or through the RS232 interface to a mini printer or


 by seamless interface with a PC for manipulation in WINDOWS® software.

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 Free calibration certificate to international standards

 Unaffected by temperature, relative humidity, pressure or density changes

 Excellent Yaw and Pitch characteristics

 Exceptional velocity range from just zero up to 30 m/sec

 Calibrated for life to save you money

 Amazing 'full range' accuracy with instant response and 100% repeatability

 Measures velocity, volume flow with area input, turbulence, air stream temperature

 Sensor compensates for uni-directional flows up to 20° from airstream centreline

 Unique % turbulence indication to assist with IAQ requirements.

 Easy to use in any clean air and inert gas flow

 Ten display choices of volume flow, velocity, turbulence and temperature

 Memory, logging and Windows®