HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - °èÃø±â > dz¼Ó/dz·®°è - ¿­¼± dz¼Ó°è(TA5)






Airflow?s TA5 Thermal Anemometer is the


'State Of The Art' in portable air velocity and


temperature measurement.















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 Measurements are automatically temperature compensated up to 80C. This allows optimum


 accuracy to be displayed at all times across a wide velocity range,and when two ranges


 do overlap, accurate readings will continue to be displayed with a built-in neon indicator


 lighting to alert the operator that a more suitable range can be selected.The neon also acts


 as a warning in the unlikely event of a problem occurring in the rugged but slim telescopic


 probe, thus avoiding the possibility of any misleading readings.


  The slim, telescopic probe is available with either a rigid (standard) or articulating all angle


 tip for outstanding on-site versatility in limited access positions. The superb yaw and pitch


 characteristics of the Airflow thermistor bead probe design also allow accurate repeatable


 readings to be maintained, even up to 15¤° from the airstream centreline.


 Both imperial (Ft/min, ¤°F) or metric (M/sec, ¤°C) units can be selected at the press of a


 button and automatic electronic zeroing ensures very accurate readings are maintained


 with minimal zero drift. Another outstanding feature unique to TA5 is the bar graph velocity


 indicator which provides an instantaneous 20 step display of unstable flow conditions, an


 important consideration when traversing in ducts.

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 -. Reads m/sec, ft/min, ¤°C and ¤°F


 -. Data storage with min, max. and average


 -. Choice of 'Super Slim' and 'all angle' telescopic probes


 -. Three velocity ranges in one meter


 -. Digital turbulence indicator


 -. Analogue output for printer and data logging


 -. Backlit display



 -. Added value - two meters in one


 -. High specification at a low cost


 -. Lightweight, tough and hand held


 -. Measure anywhere, backlit display


 -. Quick and user friendly



 -. Clean room safety monitoring


 -. Grilles, louvres and flow hood balancing


 -. HVAC commissioning and trouble shooting


 -. Air conditioning and ventilation duct checks


 -. Environmental and comfort tests