HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - °èÃø±â > dz¼Ó/dz·®°è - ¿­¼± dz¼Ó°è(TA45)






 Digital velocity meter with temperature &


 volume flow display and telescopic probe

















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 The TA45 multi tasking Thermal Anemometer is so versatile it saves you money by


 measuring air velocity, air stream temperature and volume flow, all in one hand held meter.


 The multipurpose digital meter is lightweight, durable and easy to read with all the features


 easily accessible. When switched on the instrument, after countdown, displays the last


 mode of operation. Any required function is then enabled using the tactile push buttons.


 These also control the zero reset and area input for volume flow readings or your choice


 of metric/imperial units on the display. Continuous and Hold Reading modes are


 accessed via the keypad. The slim, telescopic probe is ideal for measuring at high levels


 or in awkward positions and is quick and simple for general use or entry through restricted


 access points in ductwork. The superb yaw and pitch characteristics of the Airflow


 thermistor bead probe design also allow accurate, repeatable readings to be maintained.


 Calibrated to an Internationally recognised standard the TA45 is supplied with a FREE


 TRACEABLE CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION and a reply card is also included for UK


 purchasers to register with our FREE annual calibration reminder service.

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 -. Fast, multi-function capability in metric or imperial display


 -. Automatic temperature compensation throughout the range


 -. Reads volume flow - Just enter the area


 -. 'Super slim' telescopic probe


 -. Key Pad user calibration capability


 -. Durable carry case



 -. Super value - three meters in one


 -. Client confidence with traceable calibration


 -. Quick and easy results with minimal downtimes


 -. Accuracy and comparative values - every time



 -. HVAC commissioning and trouble shooting


 -. Clean room safety monitoring


 -. Grilles, louvres and flow hood balancing


 -. Environmental and comfort tests


 -. Air conditioning and ventilation duct checks