HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - °èÃø±â > dz¼Ó/dz·®°è - ¿­¼± dz¼Ó°è(TA35)






 Digital velocity meter with temperature display


 and telescopic probe

















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 The Airflow¢â TA35 Digital Velocity Meter with Temperature Display is proof in the hand that


 a top quality air velocity and temperature measuring instrument is available at low cost.


 Simple to use, the well-proven technology presents clear, precise readings on a high


 clarity, anti reflective, digital display. The lightweight hand held meter is ergonomically


 designed to fit the palm of your hand and with just two tactile switches, your choice of


 imperial or metric units and automatic electronic zeroing are easily selected. The inbuilt


 automatic thermal compensation works constantly to ensure that air velocity readings are


 maintained stable and accurate, whatsoever the air stream temperature between 0° and


 80°C (32° and 176°F). The telescopic probe is durable for on-site and in duct use and is


 so versatile it can be manipulated to access almost any position within arms reach. The


 superb yaw and pitch (see Tech Topic 001) characteristics of the Airflow¢â thermistor


 bead probe design also allow accurate, repeatable readings to be maintained, even up to


 15° from the airstream centreline. Calibrated to an Internationally recognised standard the


 TA35 is supplied with a FREE TRACEABLE CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION and a reply card


 is also included for UK purchasers to register with our FREE annual calibration reminder



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 Simultaneous temperature & velocity display

 Automatic temperature compensation

 Slim probe with 1m lead Metric or imperial display

 Best accuracy in its class

 Telescopic Probe

 Simple two button control

 Large clear LCD with fast response.

 Excellent accuracy and resolution

 Saves you time and money

 Proven technology

 Easy to handle and simple to use

 Lightweight and tough on-site

 Free Calibration certificate