HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - °èÃø±â > ¿Âµµ/½Àµµ - ¿Â/½Àµµ°è(HygroPalm)




 Handheld instrument with integrated probe

 0...100 %rh / -10...60 ¡ÆC





























Typical application

HVAC, manufacturing i& pharmaceutical ndustries, museums, warehouses etc.

Main features

Integrated probe 0¡¦100 %rh, -10¡¦60 ¡ÆC

Standard 9V block battery

Display of relative humidity and temperature

Dew point or wet bulb temperature selectable

Easy-to-read display with trend indicator

Single point calibration via keypad

Probe type and connection

HygroClip ¢ç combined humidity / temperature probe, non-interchangeable

Humidity sensor

Hygromer ¢ç AC-1

Temperature sensor

Pt100 1/3 DIN

Display %rh / ¡ÆC

0¡¦100 %rh / -10¡¦60 ¡ÆC


<0.5 %rh / <0.1 K

Long term stability

<1 %rh / year

Sensor protection

Wire mesh filter in plastic cage

Operating range instrument

0¡¦100 %rh / -10¡¦60 ¡ÆC

Measuring range

0¡¦100 %rh / -10¡¦60 ¡ÆC

Accuracy at 23 ¡ÆC

¡¾1.5 %rh / 0.3 K

Highest accuracy (with SCS certificate,order separately)

¡¾1%rh / 0.2 K

Psychrometric calculations

Dew point and wet bulb temperature

Time constant t63

12...15 s, depending on filter

Calibration / adjustment

1-point via keypad


Optional, via docking station & mains adaptor AC1207


9 V PP3 battery (included) or rechargeable (not included)

Battery status indicator


Housing material / protection rating

ABS / IP50


195 x 70 x 35 mm


approx. 300 g


EN50081-2, EN 50082-2

Order code:

HygroPalm 0