HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ - °èÃø±â > dz¼Ó/dz·®°è - ¾Æ³ª·Î±× ¸¶³ë¸ÞŸ(EDRA6)






 Analogue velocity meter with telescopic


 probe, imperial and metric display, 0-1 mA

















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 The EDRA 6 Analogue velocity meter with telescopic probe is an electronic anemometer


 providing virtually instantaneous readings of air velocity in m/sec and ft/min on a large,


 clear analogue meter. The display has three user selectable measurement ranges, colour


 coded for ease of reading, to ensure excellent resolution particularly in critical low velocity


 situations. Using the industry standard 100 mm (4) rotating vane supplied or a 35 mm (1.4)


 rotating vane sensor (optional extra), a variety of applications can be measured quickly


 and accurately. The outstanding versatility of EDRA 6 is further enhanced using the


 telescopic extension handle which provdes rigid support of the vane sensor up to 1.1 m in


 length. Incorporating a lockable 'all angle' swivelling tip, alignment of the sensor in the


 airstream is possible even where access is limited. The instrument is also equipped with


 an analogue output on each velocity range so that measured values may be downloaded


 to a compatible printer or data logger such as the Airflow¢â AM2. Calibrated to an


 Internationally recognised standard the EDRA 6 is supplied with a FREE TRACEABLE


 CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION and a reply card is also included for UK purchasers to


 register with our FREE annual calibration reminder service.

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 -.Reads in m/sec and ft/min


 -.Choice of 100 mm or 35 mm dia. Rotating vane head


 -.Three velocity ranges in one meter


 -.Fast response with superb accuracy


 -.Telescopic probe with articulating head


 -.Battery or mains operated


 -.3 scales for enhanced resolution



 -.High specification at low cost


 -.Comparative values - everytime


 -.Quick and user friendly


 -.Portable and laboratory use


 -.Compatibility with printers and data loggers



 -.Supply and extract grilles and flow hood balancing


 -.HVAC commissioning and trouble shooting


 -.Laboratory safety monitoring


 -.Air conditioning and ventilation duct checks